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“Vinexpo 2010″ 展覽的照片! Snapshots of “Vinexpo 2010″ Exhibition!

“Vinexpo 2010″ 展覽的照片! Snapshots of “Vinexpo 2010″ Exhibition! Vinexpo 2010 Sopexa 開幕酒會 Opening Cocktail Peter Kwong @ Sopexa Jean-Luc Thunevin Michel Rolland Nicholas Joly & 本刊記者 Our Journalist Debra Meiburg, MW 葡萄酒大師 Simon Tam & Tersina Shieh Vinexpo 2010 在香港完滿結束,下次見! Vinexpo 2010 Hong Kong is rounded up in… Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(function(){ [...]

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Acker Merrall & Condit 五月名酒拍賣會 May Auction

Acker Merrall & Condit 五月名酒拍賣會 May Auction 主 題 Theme: Acker Merrall & Condit這個週末將舉行「帝王窖藏」拍賣會,一共1820批頂級名釀,總估值逾1 億 2千 5 百萬港元。 Acker Merrall & Condit will host their「The Imperial Cellar」Auction this weekend in Hong Kong with 1820 lots of the world’s greatest wines, estimated to realize a total of HK$125 million. … 重點佳釀包括 Auction Highlights: – 1908、1918 和 [...]

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Vinexpo 2009 回顧 Recap

每年夏天舉行的Vinexpo是葡萄酒行業的重要酒展之一。Vinexpo 每隔一年在法國波爾多舉行,另一年就在亞洲舉行,而香港是2010年亞洲區舉辦的城市。現在我們先來回顧2009年波爾多的精采照片,明天起請留意香港Vinexpo 2010的報導! Vinexpo is one of the most important Wine Fair of the Industry which is being held every summer. Vinexpo takes place in Bordeaux of France one year and at an Asian City the next year, Hong Kong wil…l be the Asian Host in 2010. Now let’s Recap the Beautiful Moments of Vinexpo [...]

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加州慈善品酒會 California Charity Tasting

加州慈善品酒會 California Charity Tasting 主題 Theme: 加州餐酒協會及Napa Valley Vintners邀請大家參與慈善品酒會。大家所捐付出的入場費用,全數均會撥捐柬埔寨金邊的兒童手術中心,幫助正等待施手術的小朋友。每人只需港幣100元,便可一試多於40間著名加州酒莊精心釀製的美酒和Watermark餐廳炮製的美食。 The Wine Institute of California and Napa Valley Vintners invite you to a Charity Tasting Event, all proceeds will be donated to the Children’s… Surgical Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. For a small fee of HK$100 per person, you can enjoy the wines of more than [...]

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