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香港大學專業進修學院餐酒深造課程 HKU SPACE Wine Studies II

香港大學專業進修學院餐酒深造課程 HKU SPACE Wine Studies II 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,餐酒深造課程是專為業內人士和葡萄酒愛好者而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。餐酒深造課程採用了英國WSET葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金高級證書的課程內容並由WSET認可導師授課。 課程主要內容包括:葡萄酒品嚐,食物配搭,葡萄酒風格、質量和價格,閱讀酒標,葡萄酒服務,葡萄品種,葡萄種植及釀製過程,葡萄酒地區及國家。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, Wine Studies II is specifically designed for industry practitioners and wine hobbyists to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine studies II has adopted the materials and curriculum of UK’s Wine & Spirit Education Trust [...]

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Acker Merrall & Condit 五月名酒拍賣會 May Auction

Acker Merrall & Condit 五月名酒拍賣會 May Auction 主題 Theme: Acker Merrall & Condit 這個星期五六將舉行名酒拍賣會,一共1100批世界頂級名釀,總估值逾8千萬港元。 Acker Merrall & Condit will host their Fine Wine Auction this Friday and Saturday in Hong Kong with 1100 lots of the world’s greatest wines, estimated to realize a total of HK$80 million. 重點拍賣包括 Auction Highlights: – 36 瓶 bottles 1988 [...]

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WINELIST.HK @ 創業日 Entrepreneur Day

WINELIST.HK 支持創業日,今明兩日會展1E展館A09見! WINELIST.HK Supports Entrepreneur Day, Visit us today and tomorrow at Convention Centre Hall 1E Booth A09! Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS comments 訂閱評論 Tell a friend 電郵好友

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Summergate 生活品味葡萄酒展 Wine & Lifestyle Wine Fair

Summergate 生活品味葡萄酒展 Wine & Lifestyle Wine Fair WINELIST.HK 為會員提供獨家優惠,你和你的朋友可以超優惠價$160 (原價$200),品嚐超過200款環球美酒,並把 LUCARIS 酒杯拿回家,同場亦展出各地時尚品牌,讓你感受生活品味,機會難逢、萬勿錯過! Exclusive Discount for all WINELIST.HK members on Summergate Wine & Lifestyle Wine Fair. Enjoy over 200 wines from Around The World and check out various trendsetters while taking home a LUCARIS Wine Glass for only $160 (original price $200). A truly exceptional opportunity [...]

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ASC 夏季葡萄酒展 Summer Wine Fair

ASC 夏季葡萄酒展 Summer Wine Fair 主題 Theme: 品嘗超過150款環球美酒 Try over 150 wines from around the world! 價錢 Price: $230 (門票包括$200現金券–適用於當晚購物滿$1500時使用) (Ticket includes a cash coupon worth $200 for every order worth minimum $1500 placed on the night) 電話訂位或查詢 Ticket Reservation or Enquiry Hotline: 39236790 / 39236791 / 3923 6714 日期時間 Time & Date: 14-5-2011: 18:30 [...]

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Bussaco 葡萄酒品鑒晚宴 Vertical Wine Dinner @ 澳門美高梅 MGM Macau

Bussaco葡萄酒品鑒晚宴 Vertical Wine Dinner @ 澳門美高梅 MGM Macau 主題 Theme: Bussaco葡萄酒品鑒晚宴,釀酒師Antonio Rocha與食評家劉致新先生攜手呈獻美酒佳餚盛宴。Bussaco,這一特殊的葡萄酒源自葡萄牙末代君王曼努埃爾二世的皇宮莊園。Bussaco 現珍藏在澳門美高梅的藏酒庫。Bussaco皇宮於1917年正式改建成同名的五星級酒店。為紀念往昔的榮耀,酒店主人創立了個人葡萄酒品牌“Bussaco”即香醇紅酒與剔透白酒的釀製之地。Bussaco葡萄酒在市面上十分罕見,通常僅能於葡萄牙Bussaco皇宮酒店享用。除葡萄牙當地外,澳門美高梅現在成為Bussaco的唯二品嚐地之一。Bussaco釀酒師Antonio Rocha將首次蒞臨亞洲,出席美高梅Bussaco葡萄酒品鑒會,向賓客娓娓道出他的釀酒故事。品鑑會上備有精緻中式佳餚,美饌珍釀相得益彰,共同打造精彩味覺盛宴。 Bussaco Vertical Wine Dinner with Winemaker, Mr. Antonio Rocha and with Chinese Food Pairing by Mr. CS Lau. Bussaco, a wine created exclusively at the Palace and Estate of the last king of Portugal, Manual II, makes its Asian home in the cellars of MGM [...]

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意大利米芝蓮客席廚師 Italy Michelin Guest Chef @ Angelini

意大利米芝蓮客席廚師 Italy Michelin Guest Chef @ Angelini 主題 Theme: 來自意大利 Feudi Di San Gregorio 酒莊一星米芝蓮餐廳 Marenna 的 Roberto Alloca 大廚,由 1月26日至1月29日,於九龍香格里拉酒店 Angelini 餐廳作客席廚師。Roberto 大廚將聯同 ASC 葡萄酒為大家帶來坎帕尼亞的飲食配搭。 Chef Roberto Alloca from One Michelin Star Restaurant Marenna at Feudi Di San Gregorio Winery will be the guest chef at Kowloon Shangri-La’s Angelini from 26 January until 29 [...]

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蘇富比 Sotheby’s 一月名酒拍賣會 January Auction

主題 Theme: 蘇富比這個週末將舉行名酒拍賣會,一共875批世界頂級名釀,總估值逾四千二百萬港元。 Sotheby’s will host their Fine Wine Auction this weekend in Hong Kong with 875 lots of the world’s greatest wines, estimated to realize a total of HK$42 million. 重點拍賣包括 Auction Highlights: – 「Bordeaux Winebank 」五星來源保證 Five Star Provenance 2000 年波爾多珍藏 Bordeaux Collection – 「安德魯.洛伊.韋伯私人窖藏 Andrew Lloyd Webber Wine Collection」 日期、時間及地點 Time, Date [...]

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Acker Merrall & Condit 一月名酒拍賣會 January Auction

主題 Theme: Acker Merrall & Condit 這個週末將舉行名酒拍賣會,一共1200批世界頂級名釀,總估值逾7千萬港元。 Acker Merrall & Condit will host their Fine Wine Auction this weekend in Hong Kong with 1200 lots of the world’s greatest wines, estimated to realize a total of HK$70 million. 重點拍賣包括 Auction Highlights: – 6 瓶 bottles 1.5公升裝 Litres Magnum 1989 奧比昂 Chateau Haut Brion (原木箱裝 OWC) [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院餐酒進階課程 HKU SPACE Wine Studies I

香港大學專業進修學院餐酒進階課程 HKU SPACE Wine Studies I 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,餐酒進階課程是專為業內人士和葡萄酒愛好者而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。餐酒進階課程採用了英國WSET葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金中級證書的課程內容,並由WSET認可導師授課。 課程主要內容包括:葡萄酒品嚐,葡萄酒與食物的配搭,葡萄酒風格、質量和價格,閱讀酒標,與葡萄酒相關服務,葡萄品種,各個葡萄酒地區及國家。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, Wine Studies I is specifically designed for industry practitioners and wine hobbyists to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine studies I has adopted the materials and curriculum of UK’s Wine & Spirit Education Trust [...]

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