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冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses @ 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE

冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses @ 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 品酒入門班 Introduction to Wine Appreciation 29-10-2016 [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院冬季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Winter WSET Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院冬季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Winter WSET Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 葡萄酒及烈酒中級課程 Intermediate Wines and Spirits (WSET Level [...]

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Test Your Palate 挑戰您的葡萄酒口味!

Test Your Palate 挑戰您的葡萄酒口味! 地點:香港灣仔港灣道1號香港會議展覽中心4樓君爵廳 日期:2015年 10月5日至10月7日 時間:下午6時至8時30分 票價:三天通行証: $700,一天通行証: $250 入場免費獲贈 Lucaris 水晶酒杯(價值HK $ 110)乙個 ,送完即止。 網上購票 Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS comments 訂閱評論 Tell a friend 電郵好友

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Institute of Masters of Wine and Berry Bros & Rudd Hong Kong master class – May 2015

Institute of Masters of Wine and Berry Bros & Rudd Hong Kong master class – May 2015 The Institute of Masters of Wine, in collaboration with Berry Bros & Rudd, is organising an MW Master Class to be held in Hong Kong. Through its members and activities, the Institute promotes excellence, interaction and learning, across [...]

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西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival in Hong Kong 2011

西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival in Hong Kong 2011 載譽重來的「西班牙美酒佳餚節」已經順利完成,吸引餐飲業界專業人士及公眾的參與,反應非常熱烈,門票全部售罄,公眾環節入場人數超過800人,比去年增加了200人。在場人士一起在佳餚節中感受豐富的西班牙飲食文化,品嚐及選購由25間西班牙酒商及食品商帶來的優質葡萄酒及各式的頂級西班牙美食。 The return of the Spanish Foods & Wines Festival has successfully attracted enthusiastic responses and participants from both the F&B industry and the public.  Tickets were all sold out and the event attracted over 800 public members, 200 more than last year. Participants experienced [...]

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Champagne J de Telmont @ 亞洲美食佳釀暨酒店及餐飲設備展 Wine & Gourmet Asia

每年一度的亞洲美食佳釀暨酒店及餐飲設備展是推廣澳門餐飲業的最大展覽。這次除了可觀賞品酒師挑戰賽和雞尾酒錦標賽等比賽外,也試了很多優質的葡萄酒。其中 J de Telmont 香檳酒莊的釀酒師 Bertrand Lhopital 跟我們分享了他家族的香檳傳統。 Wine & Gourmet Asia is Macau’s biggest Food & Beverage Exhibtion. Apart from watching the Sommelier Challenge and the Asian Cocktail Championship, we also had the chance to try many quality wines. We met winemaker Bertrand Lhopital from Champagne J de Telmont where he shared his family [...]

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普羅旺斯的美 The Beauty of Provence

普羅旺斯出名風景明媚,在這地中海的陽光氣息和溫暖乾燥的天氣下,大家可以盡情享受清新的玫瑰紅酒。如果你是玫瑰紅酒的愛好者,你一定要留意普羅旺斯這世界領先的玫瑰紅酒產區。這區內栽培了豐富而且多姿多彩的葡萄品種。玫瑰紅酒和紅酒常用的紅葡萄包括︰格納殊 (Grenache)、施赫 (Syrah)、慕維迪 (Mourvèdre)、仙梭 (Cinsault)、提布康 (Tibouren)和卡希翁(Carignan) ;而白葡萄則包括:浩尼 (Rolle)、卡麗 (Clairette)和戶於尼(Ugni Blanc)。 Provence’s beauty lies in its famous… landscapes, it’s here where you can enjoy the sunny, warm and dry Mediterranean climate with a glass of fresh Rosé wine. If you are a fan of Rosé, you have to take a look at Provence as it’s the [...]

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“Vinexpo 2010″ 展覽的照片! Snapshots of “Vinexpo 2010″ Exhibition!

“Vinexpo 2010″ 展覽的照片! Snapshots of “Vinexpo 2010″ Exhibition! Vinexpo 2010 Sopexa 開幕酒會 Opening Cocktail Peter Kwong @ Sopexa Jean-Luc Thunevin Michel Rolland Nicholas Joly & 本刊記者 Our Journalist Debra Meiburg, MW 葡萄酒大師 Simon Tam & Tersina Shieh Vinexpo 2010 在香港完滿結束,下次見! Vinexpo 2010 Hong Kong is rounded up in… Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(function(){ [...]

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Vinexpo 2009 回顧 Recap

每年夏天舉行的Vinexpo是葡萄酒行業的重要酒展之一。Vinexpo 每隔一年在法國波爾多舉行,另一年就在亞洲舉行,而香港是2010年亞洲區舉辦的城市。現在我們先來回顧2009年波爾多的精采照片,明天起請留意香港Vinexpo 2010的報導! Vinexpo is one of the most important Wine Fair of the Industry which is being held every summer. Vinexpo takes place in Bordeaux of France one year and at an Asian City the next year, Hong Kong wil…l be the Asian Host in 2010. Now let’s Recap the Beautiful Moments of Vinexpo [...]

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