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中菜醇酒.盡在加州  California Wines x Chinese Cuisine

中菜醇酒.盡在加州  California Wines x Chinese Cuisine 主題 Theme: 加州葡萄酒協會夥拍香港日航酒店、香港洲際酒店及The Mira Hong Kong 的著名中菜廳進行加州葡萄酒配搭中菜的推廣活動,活動於5 月至8 月期間舉行。 The Wine Institute of California is launching the Chinese food and California wine pairing promotion in the three famous Chinese restaurants in Hotel Nikko Hongkong, InterContinental Hong Kong and The Mira Hong Kong during May to August. 日期、地點及訂位熱線Date, Venue & [...]

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