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國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting

國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting 主題 Theme: “Test your Palate”品酒會由「國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎」舉辦 — 品評大獎乃亞洲區最大型的獨立評酒比賽。參賽佳釀超過1,300 款,並由亞洲專業酒評家,評選出最能符合亞洲人口味之美酒。 “Test your Palate” is brought to you by Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition — Asia’s largest independent wine competition with more than 1,300 entries and [...]

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Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting

Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting 主題 Theme: 有逾60種葡萄酒供來賓試飲,包括Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002,香港獨家代理︰布根地的Olivier Leflaive,波爾多的Tertre Rôteboeuf,法國隆河的Tardieu-Laurent,德國的Schloss Schönborn,意大利的Tenuta di Trinoro,西班牙的Benjamin Romeo,Dominio de Pingus及阿根廷的Achaval-Ferrer。 Taste more than 60 varieties of wine. Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002 and our exclusivities: Olivier Leflaive from Burgundy, Tertre Rôteboeuf from Bordeaux, Tardieu-Laurent from Rhone, Schloss Schönborn from Germany, Tenuta di Trinoro [...]

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阿爾薩斯葡萄酒嘉年華 Alsace Wine Fair

阿爾薩斯葡萄酒嘉年華 Alsace Wine Fair 主題 Theme: 這個週六,大家便有機會一次過品嚐多款精選的阿爾薩斯葡萄酒,即​場購買更有機會贏取更多的葡萄酒!阿爾薩斯葡萄酒專家費立希先生​,將專程從法國蒞臨香江,與本地愛酒人士把酒共聚,並分享他的品​酒心得和這美麗酒區的豐富知識。 Take this Saturday off to enjoy some exceptional Alsace selection in town. You may even win more Alsace wines for the purchases you made on the day. Take the opportunity to meet Mr. Thierry Fritsch, oenologist and wine expert from Alsace Wine Board, who is travelling from France [...]

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