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感受葡萄酒的土壤、氣候與釀酒工藝 Sensing the Terroir, Climate & Winemaking in Wines

感受葡萄酒的土壤、氣候與釀酒工藝 Sensing the Terroir, Climate & Winemaking in Wines 透過接觸空運來港的葡萄園土壤,大家可以親身感受到當地風土的特性。法國Chablis與澳洲土壤會如何影響他們的Chardonnay? 大家齊來參加這個土壤、氣候、釀酒工藝的品味之旅。 A journey of taste through different Soil, Climate & Winemaking. Special features like soil samples are shipped directly from the wineries to show you a taste of Terroir. Check out the Soil samples of Chablis Vs Australia and see how it affects their Chardonnay! [...]

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“Test your Palate” 品酒活動 Wine Tasting Event

“Test your Palate” 品酒活動 Wine Tasting Event 十月四至六日 4-6 October: 18:00 – 21:00 (@HK$250) 香港會議展覽中心4樓君爵廳 Chancellor Room, L4, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 中文購票網站: English Website for Ticket Purchasing: Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS [...]

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西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2012 (10張免費門票送給WINELSIT.HK會員 10 Free Tickets for members)

西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2012 (10張免費門票送給WINELSIT.HK會員 10 Free Tickets for members) 主題 Theme: 「西班牙美酒佳餚節」即將載譽歸來,現誠邀各位一同品味西班牙佳餚美食之旅,感受豐富的西班牙飲食文化!今年共有19間西班牙食品參展商,為賓客帶來最優質、最齊全的西班牙美酒佳餚,包括:來自西班牙不同地區的優質葡萄酒、西班牙火腿、芝士、肉腸、鵝肝、鴨製品、醋等。加上健康好味的有機朱古力、番紅花黑橄欖,還有充滿西班牙特色的Sangria、果汁及礦泉水。來賓更可與眾多西班牙食品供應商直接交流,從多角度認識西班牙美食精粹。 Having received overwhelming responses over the past years, “Open Day: Spanish Foods & Wines Festival” will return successively this year! Foods & Wines from Spain cordially invites the Spanish food and beverage lovers to attend the journey of Spanish [...]

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“Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒會

“Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒會 主題 Theme: 參與 “Rendezvous with Fine Wine” 尊貴品酒活動,便可一嚐超過60家備受推崇的葡萄酒莊所呈獻過百款的葡萄美酒。活動由嘉里-酒香、港島香格里拉大酒店及南華早報合辨,參加者更有機會一嚐被譽為波爾多最佳出產年份的2009年佳釀,包括獲100評分的Châteaux Pavie、Pape Clément blanc、Smith Haut Lafitte和Vieux Château Certan,知名酒莊Rauzan Ségla、Pichon Lalande、Troplong Mondot、Lynch Bages及其他地區的知名品牌Pegau、Almaviva 及Solaia等等 。所有賓客均可在活動後,獲贈由活動之酒杯贊助商Riedel的酒杯一隻。 Join the “Rendezvous with Fine Wine” event, and you could taste more than 100 fine wines from 60 renowned Châteaux and Domaines. This tasting event is co-hosted by Kerry [...]

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與Douro Boys一同品酒 Meet and Drink with the Douro Boys!

與Douro Boys一同品酒 Meet and Drink with the Douro Boys! 主題 Theme: “Douro Boys”五家酒莊包括Quinta do Vallado、Quinta do Crasto、Niepoort, Quinta do Vale D. Maria和Quinta do Vale Meão是杜羅河谷(Douro Valley)釀造餐酒的先軀 。他們組成於2003年,以將杜羅河谷的酒推上世界舞台為目標,而他們在短時間內已得到顯著的成功。每當國際的酒評讀物寫到最優質的葡萄牙餐酒,總會介紹到杜羅區是最佳的餐酒生產區域,而“Douro Boys杜羅之子”們更是當中的表表者。 The “Douro Boys” consist of 5 wineries: Quinta do Vallado, Quinta do Crasto, Niepoort, Quinta do Vale D. Maria and Quinta do Vale Meão – are the [...]

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國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting

國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting 主題 Theme: “Test your Palate”品酒會由「國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎」舉辦 — 品評大獎乃亞洲區最大型的獨立評酒比賽。參賽佳釀超過1,300 款,並由亞洲專業酒評家,評選出最能符合亞洲人口味之美酒。 “Test your Palate” is brought to you by Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition — Asia’s largest independent wine competition with more than 1,300 entries and [...]

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Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting

Corney & Barrow 2011 年度試酒會 Annual Tasting 主題 Theme: 有逾60種葡萄酒供來賓試飲,包括Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002,香港獨家代理︰布根地的Olivier Leflaive,波爾多的Tertre Rôteboeuf,法國隆河的Tardieu-Laurent,德國的Schloss Schönborn,意大利的Tenuta di Trinoro,西班牙的Benjamin Romeo,Dominio de Pingus及阿根廷的Achaval-Ferrer。 Taste more than 60 varieties of wine. Delamotte Blanc de Blancs 2002 and our exclusivities: Olivier Leflaive from Burgundy, Tertre Rôteboeuf from Bordeaux, Tardieu-Laurent from Rhone, Schloss Schönborn from Germany, Tenuta di Trinoro [...]

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