與Douro Boys一同品酒 Meet and Drink with the Douro Boys!

Date April 5, 2012 Author admin Comment No Comments

與Douro Boys一同品酒 Meet and Drink with the Douro Boys!

主題 Theme:

“Douro Boys”五家酒莊包括Quinta do Vallado、Quinta do Crasto、Niepoort, Quinta do Vale D. Maria和Quinta do Vale Meão是杜羅河谷(Douro Valley)釀造餐酒的先軀 。他們組成於2003年,以將杜羅河谷的酒推上世界舞台為目標,而他們在短時間內已得到顯著的成功。每當國際的酒評讀物寫到最優質的葡萄牙餐酒,總會介紹到杜羅區是最佳的餐酒生產區域,而“Douro Boys杜羅之子”們更是當中的表表者。

The “Douro Boys” consist of 5 wineries: Quinta do Vallado, Quinta do Crasto, Niepoort, Quinta do Vale D. Maria and Quinta do Vale Meão – are the leading pioneers of table wines from the Douro Valley. They formed a group in 2003, in order to make the Douro Valley better known in the world – and they succeeded in very short time. Whenever the international wine press writes about top wines from Portugal, the Douro is considered as the best region, and The “Douro Boys” each time are taking the lead.

在今次展出的佳釀中,有由酒評家Robert Parker給予高達96分的美酒,也有榮獲酒評雜誌Wine Spectator 2011 最佳100強殊榮的好酒。

30 Wines will be showcased and some with scores reaching 96 points by Robert Parker, 95 points in Wine Spectator and named in Wine Spectator’s Top 100 in 2011.

價錢 Price:

免費 Free

日期及時間 Time & Date:

杜羅河谷葡萄酒區講座 Douro Valley Wine Seminar

四月十九日 19 April: 14:15 – 15:30 (星期四 Thursday)

Douro Boys 品酒會 Wine Tasting

四月十九日 19 April: 15:30 – 18:30 (星期四 Thursday)

地點 Venue:

香港中環四季酒店5樓 Boardroom

Boardroom, Level 5, Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong

電郵訂位 Reservation Email : info@adegaroyale.com

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