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HKU SPACE Wine Team won the 2019 Left Bank Bordeaux Cup

HKU SPACE Wine Team won the 2019 Left Bank Bordeaux Cup at Château Lafite Rothschild on 14 June. This is the first time a wine team from Hong Kong became the World Champion of the prestigious Left Bank Bordeaux Cup! Final Ranking of 2019 Left Bank Bordeaux Cup: 1. HKU SPACE (Hong Kong) 2. Sichuan [...]

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Médoc葡萄酒的多樣性 The diversity of Médoc Wines

Médoc葡萄酒的多樣性 The diversity of Médoc Wines Médoc是波爾多葡萄酒的精華所在,它常常予人威嚴和權力的印象,但Médoc就只有這樣的葡萄酒嗎? Médoc位於Gironde河口的左邊,就是大家常常聽到的波爾多左岸,河水有助調節當地氣候,延長葡萄的生長週期。而不同類型的土壤和葡萄品種也影響著葡萄酒的最終風味。這次我們以水陸兩路去檢視一下水、土壤和葡萄的多樣性來看看這些appellation d’originecontrôlée法定產區(AOC)之間的差異。 Médoc is the essence of Bordeaux wines. It has been portrayed with the image of majesty and power but is this true for the whole of Médoc? Médoc is located on the left of the Gironde estuary hence the name Left Bank Bordeaux, where the water helps [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院春季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Spring WSET Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院春季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Spring WSET Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,春季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Spring Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 葡萄酒及烈酒中級課程 Intermediate Wines and Spirits (WSET Level [...]

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遊「酒」波爾多市 Wine and Dine in the City of Bordeaux

波爾多以其著名的酒莊聞名於世,各地的葡萄酒愛好者都希望有機會到此一遊。感謝Medoc Wine Council,讓我有機會在今年秋天到波爾多參觀。趁著前往鄉郊的葡萄園之前,花一天在波爾多市吃喝玩樂! Bordeaux is world famous for its prestigious chateaus and many wine lovers around the globe would love to have the opportunity to visit this wine region with a lot of wine and beer cellar coolers so you can try your share. This autumn I had the chance to go to Bordeaux thanks [...]

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冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses @ 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE

冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses @ 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 品酒入門班 Introduction to Wine Appreciation 29-10-2016 [...]

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Adega Royale Portfolio Tasting

Adega Royale Portfolio Tasting: A great chance to taste a wide selections of wines from Portugal & France! Early bird tickets available until 6 April 2016. Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS comments 訂閱評論 Tell a friend 電郵好友

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香港大學專業進修學院春季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Spring WSET Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院春季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Spring WSET Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,春季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Spring Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 葡萄酒及烈酒中級課程 Intermediate Wines and Spirits (WSET Level [...]

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純美 Pure Chablis

Date December 15, 2015 Comment No Comments

純美 Pure Chablis

Chardonnay is a favorite grape for many wine lovers and if there is one place in this world that is uniquely Chardonnay then it would have to be the Chablis region of France.  As this region only produces Chardonnay, the dedication, which growers put into this single grape, is admirable. I have always found wines [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院冬季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Winter WSET Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院冬季WSET葡萄酒課程 HKU SPACE Winter WSET Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. 日期、時間及價錢 Time, Date & Price: 葡萄酒及烈酒中級課程 Intermediate Wines and Spirits (WSET Level [...]

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Test Your Palate 挑戰您的葡萄酒口味!

Test Your Palate 挑戰您的葡萄酒口味! 地點:香港灣仔港灣道1號香港會議展覽中心4樓君爵廳 日期:2015年 10月5日至10月7日 時間:下午6時至8時30分 票價:三天通行証: $700,一天通行証: $250 入場免費獲贈 Lucaris 水晶酒杯(價值HK $ 110)乙個 ,送完即止。 網上購票 Share 分享: Bookmark on Delicious 分享 Digg this post 分享 Share on Facebook 分享 Share with Stumblers Tweet this 分享 Subscribe RSS comments 訂閱評論 Tell a friend 電郵好友

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