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香港國際美酒展公眾開放日 Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair Public Day

香港國際美酒展公眾開放日 Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair Public Day 主題 Theme: 由香港貿易發展局主辦的第四屆國際美酒展,將於香港會議展覽中心舉行。參展商數目破歷年紀錄,多達九百三十間,他們來自全球三十七個國家和地區。意大利為今屆美酒展的夥伴國家,將雲集超過二百個參展商。另外,「國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎」的各得獎美酒也會在場展示。 The HKTDC Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair, now the largest wine fair in Asia will take place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, has attracted some 930 exhibitors from 37 countries and regions. Italy, this year’s wine fair [...]

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Wine.Luxe X WINELIST.HK @ 品酒學堂 Wine School

Wine.Luxe X WINELIST.HK @ 品酒學堂 Wine School 星期日 Sunday 30-10-2011 (17:15-17:50) “醒酒的魔法 Magic Tools for Wine” 明天香港美酒佳餚巡禮見 See you tomorrow at Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival! Cheers!

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WINELIST.HK 在頭條日報的必試好酒推介 Recommended Wines for Headline Daily Newspaper @ 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival

WINELIST.HK 在頭條日報的必試好酒推介 Recommended Wines for Headline Daily Newspaper @ 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Meandro do Vale Meao 2008 (B211 Adega Royale) Rockford basket press Shiraz 2006 (G10-11 Summergate) Rubicon 2007 (G4 Golden Gate) Frescobaldi Nipozzano Riserva 2007 (C409 Jebsen) Massolino Barolo Parafada 2005 (G21 Sino Vantage)

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香港美酒佳餚巡禮 Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2011

香港美酒佳餚巡禮 Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2011 主題 Theme: 香港旅遊發展局一連四天再次舉行「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」。在景致迷人的西九龍海濱長廊上,大家可以暢懷品酒、享用美食,更可沉浸在醉人的現場樂韻及維多利亞港風光之中。 The Hong Kong Tourism Board will stage the second Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival for four consecutive days at the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade. It’s the perfect spot to sample great wines, tuck into some fantastic food, listen to superb live music and [...]

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西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival in Hong Kong 2011

西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival in Hong Kong 2011 載譽重來的「西班牙美酒佳餚節」已經順利完成,吸引餐飲業界專業人士及公眾的參與,反應非常熱烈,門票全部售罄,公眾環節入場人數超過800人,比去年增加了200人。在場人士一起在佳餚節中感受豐富的西班牙飲食文化,品嚐及選購由25間西班牙酒商及食品商帶來的優質葡萄酒及各式的頂級西班牙美食。 The return of the Spanish Foods & Wines Festival has successfully attracted enthusiastic responses and participants from both the F&B industry and the public.  Tickets were all sold out and the event attracted over 800 public members, 200 more than last year. Participants experienced [...]

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Pancho Campo MW 葡萄酒大師演繹 “西班牙葡萄酒的熱情與多樣性 The Diversity and Passion of Spanish Wines” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011

Pancho Campo MW 葡萄酒大師演繹 “西班牙葡萄酒的熱情與多樣性 The Diversity and Passion of Spanish Wines” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: 西班牙第一位葡萄酒大師Pancho Campo,將在品酒會上呈獻16款最重要、最傳奇的西班牙葡萄酒,會上更採用嶄新的視聽效果,提供與別不同的感受。 Pancho Campo, Spain’s first Master of Wine will conduct a Masterclass & Tasting of 16 of the most important and legendary wines of Spain. Exciting and impressive audiovisual displays will be featured at this [...]

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Jancis Robinson MW “非一般的美酒品酒會 Beyond Bordeaux Tasting” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011

Jancis Robinson MW “非一般的美酒品酒會 Beyond Bordeaux Tasting” @ WineFuture 香港Hong Kong 2011 主題 Theme: 英國葡萄酒大師Jancis Robinson親自挑選一些鮮為人知,但值得關注葡萄酒,刺激愛酒人士的味蕾。 British Master of Wine Jancis Robinson proposes for her tasting to stimulate the taste buds with a hand-picked selection from some corners of the wine world that deserve more attention. 英國著名葡萄酒作家Jancis將與超過1,000名參加者品嚐葡萄酒。這些葡萄酒來自新舊世界產區,於品嚐、收藏和投資方面都值得更多的關注。這些高品質的葡萄酒分別來自一些成熟的產酒區及新興地區,如巴西、土耳其和中國。 The famous British wine writer will conduct a [...]

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國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting

國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎 “Test your Palate” 品酒會 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition “Test your Palate” Tasting 主題 Theme: “Test your Palate”品酒會由「國泰航空香港美酒品評大獎」舉辦 — 品評大獎乃亞洲區最大型的獨立評酒比賽。參賽佳釀超過1,300 款,並由亞洲專業酒評家,評選出最能符合亞洲人口味之美酒。 “Test your Palate” is brought to you by Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition — Asia’s largest independent wine competition with more than 1,300 entries and [...]

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香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses

香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE 冬季葡萄酒課程 Winter Wine Courses 主題 Theme: 高質素葡萄酒教育的需求正不斷增加,冬季葡萄酒課程是專為葡萄酒愛好者和業內人士而設,從而提高他們的專業知識和對葡萄酒的自信。其中的餐酒進階WSET證書課程更可申請CEF持續進修基金。 Demand for high quality wine education is increasing, these Winter Wine Courses are specifically designed for wine lovers and people working in the industry to increase their professional knowledge and confidence in wine. Wine Studies I WSET Certificate Courses are also eligible for CEF Continue [...]

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西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2011

西班牙美酒佳餚節 Spanish Foods & Wines Festival 2011 主題 Theme: 佳餚節當日,各參展商會帶來最優質、齊全的西班牙精品美食,閣下可一睹市面難求的24K金氣泡酒,親身品嚐豪華黃金氣泡的醉人魅力;同時亦可品嚐到來自西班牙不同地區的優質葡萄酒及Sangria雞尾酒等等。陣陣濃郁酒香以外,場內更有令人垂涎三尺的頂級西班牙美食,包括西班牙火腿、芝士、鵝肝、鴨製品、魚籽、急凍海鮮、橄欖油、有機果汁及火山礦泉水等!來賓更可與眾多西班牙食品供應商直接交流,從多角度認識西班牙美食精粹。 Take a sensuous sip of the 24K gold cava (Spanish sparkling wine), infused with opulent gold flakes; or make merry with the traditional fruity Spanish drink Sangria. Pair it with premium Spanish hams, cheeses, goose liver, duck, fish roe, seafood, or crusty fresh bread dipped [...]

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